Faximum Client/Server for
Product Specifications
CPU Architecture
Operating System(s)
- SOLARIS 2.3, 2.4, or 2.5
- SOLARIS 2.3J, 2.4J, or 2.5J (Japanese or Nihongo Solaris)
- X/Motif graphical user interface with context sensitive on-line help
- command-line interface
FAX Viewing
FAX Compatibility
- full Group III send and receive
- 14,400 baud send & receive (modem permitting)
Modem Support
- works with most Class 2 and Class 2.0 external fax modems
(such as MultiTech, Supra, Telebit, US Robotics, and others)
Dialling Directory
- one per user
- unlimited size
- unlimited number of groups of unlimited size
Printer Support (for printing faxes)
- HP LaserJet (all versions and compatibles)
- PostScript
- limited only by disk space
Image Format
- received faxes stored in TIFF-F
- image file conversion and manipulation tools included
Supported File Formats (for attachments)
- Western European characters (ISO-8859/1)
- Japanese EUC (on systems with Japanese fonts)
- PostScript
- Sun raster files (B&W and colour)
Cover Sheets
- multiple cover sheets per server
- user-definable cover sheets
- selectable fonts and drawing commands for coversheet creation
- user-definable top-of-page banners
Fax Transmission
- outgoing faxes previewed on the screen and/or printed prior to being sent)
- e-mail notification of status of transmitted faxes
- automatic delayed transmission based on requested priority and phone rates
- manual delayed transmission based on user requested time
- automatic load balancing among modems of the appropriate type and category
Toll Restrictions
- specific users may be denied access to long distance or priority transmissions (access
may be restricted to certain numbers, calling areas, or times of day)
Intelligent Dialling/Least-Cost Routing
- PBX and long distance code and account dialled automatically
- selection of WATS, TIE, FX, or other special phone trunks done
automatically for least-cost and/or fastest transmission
- promotion of urgent faxes to alternate routes when least-cost route is busy
Multi-Line Support
- unlimited number and combination of line types (i.e. DDD, WATS, etc.) hardware permitting
- ability to designate certain lines as receive-only
- ability to specify the minimum number of lines to remain idle (for incoming calls) to prevent
saturation of all lines with outgoing faxes
FAX Reception and Distribution
- received faxes automatically printed, copies, forwarded (by fax), or sent to a user based
on originating FAX machine ID
- arbitrary shell program invoked upon reception of any fax
Line Printer Intercept
- printed output from applications can be captured and broadcast by fax without intervention
or programming
- pages intended for different locations properly will be separated from print stream and faxed
to appropriate destination
Form Overlays
- ability to overlay any business form (letterhead, invoice,
purchase order, etc.) on any faxed document
- unlimited number of accounts with optional restriction by user
- automatic insertion of digits in the dialled number based on account used (for PABX call-detail
recording or third-party telephone accounting)
- detailed accounting record by user and project account for each transmitted fax
User Licensing
- Two floating user licences included with server, additional licences
available singly or in five packs
Client/Server Interoperability
- Faximum Clients and Servers will interoperate with Faximum Clients and
Servers running on different operating systems and architectures
- Faximum Clients and Servers will interoperate with HP 9000
Fax and HP MPower Clients and Servers
Faximum Client/Server for Sun SPARC Solaris - Pricing
Faximum Client/Server Test Drive - by FTP..............$ FREE
Faximum Client/Server Test Drive - Media...............$ 55
Faximum Client/Server Starter Pack
(2 floating user licences)....................... 1,695
Xerox ScanWorX (OCR) for Sun Solaris................... 1,495
One Additional Floating User (Client) Licence.......... 295
Five Additional Floating User (Client) Licences........ 1,095
Additional Fax Line Support............................ 350 (Note1)
Faximum Client/Server for Sun Solaris is available by FTP; or on
4mm DAT, 8mm tape, or QIC cartridge.
Prices are in US$. Canadian customers ought to contact Faximum for
prices in CA$. Prices subject to change without notice.
Faximum is a trademark of Faximum Software inc. Other names may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. Specifications
subject to change without notice.
Contact Faximum Software for current information.
Note that multi-line support is an extra-cost option.